The German State Treaty (GlüNeuRStV) was approved and sanctioned by all state parliaments. These conditions of the German State Treaty are to be implemented from July 1, 2021. Also, according to the approved conditions, this state treaty will have some serious and long-term sustainable effects on online betting and the gaming industry in Germany, as all states will be obliged to comply with these conditions with regard to the online betting industry by December 31, 2028 to be followed.
Once implemented, the German State Treaty will expand the nationwide iGaming offers, products and services in Germany beyond online betting to include online casino games. A new federal government will also be introduced for the country that previously left betting legislation to local state parliaments.
In these new online betting and gambling options, the GlüNeuRStV, there are additional provisions such as the legalization of online poker and slots for all authorized operators. In addition, the GlüNeuRStV contract contains many other terms that will affect the iGaming business in the industry, such as:
1) Online slots and poker have to pay a sales tax of 5.3 percent.
2) Außerdem sind die Slots auf ein Euro 1-Einsatzlimit pro Runde mit einer durchschnittlichen Drehgeschwindigkeit von 5 Sekunden beschränkt.
3) Live sports betting is then limited to betting on the final result or the next goalscorer.
Laut Branchenexperten und Spekulanten wird es für die Wettbranche schwierig und anstrengend, wenn diese Art von streng kontrollierten Regeln und Vorschriften in der Branche eingeführt wird, was sich schließlich auch auf die Esport-Wettbranche ausbreiten wird.
Die Esports-Wettbranche könnte in der kommenden Zukunft folgende Änderungen sehen zum beispiel einem regulierten Markt gäbe es in Deutschland keine E-Sport-Angebote mehr, daher müssen Kunden auf andere lizenzierte Sport-Glücksspiel-Angebote umsteigen.
With regard to skin bets in computer games, it would have to be checked whether it meets the definition of terms according to 3 GlüStV, in particular whether the tokens can be converted into real winnings. The legal uncertainty on the German sports games market has finally ended.
It remains to be seen whether this will affect the criminal justice assessment of participating in illegal gambling. Now that this treaty is implemented, let’s see what the exact effects this will have on the online sports betting, iGaming and even e-sports betting industries.